How does your car drive into your back yard at 2 in the morning and drive into your pool? I got dispatched at 2 in the morning from my Dispatcher Kfir to a Winch out & Recovery situation in Los Angeles. She called in the most unique Recovery job I’ve ever encountered. Apparently, this woman was sleeping in her home. When her Ex she had just broke up with, broke into her car and drove it right into her 8 feet deep pool. Unbelievable, what a mess. The girlfriend and neighbors were all distraught, because the impact made a loud noise it had neighbors calling the police. I had to do something I’ve never done before. Jump in the pool to hook up my winch onto her 2015 Grey Mercedes GTS. It was in the deep end so I had to dive in. It took me 2 times to get it right. I got it out, and towed her vehicle out of there in a few pieces.